May 15, 2006
Communication With Your Kids

To be a Super Single Dad, you must strive on being the best parent you can be and great parenting thrives on awesome communication skills.
One of the first messages, and I think the absolute Most Important One is the message of LOVE.
That has to be stressed because it is the primary message every child needs in order to acquire strong self-esteem and confidence throughout their life.
Parenting is about nurturing the physical, spiritual, social and mental well being of your child and to become a SUPER SINGLE DAD you'll be doing Double Duty because there is no mother involved. While you cannot fulfill all the duties and features that moms do, you will have to provide some of those functions.
My new e-book, The Super Single Dad; Artfully Raising Children is about to be released and it will cover these issues, and more. Please sign up in the form above so you can receive the special notice of the release date.
If, as a super single dad, you are to be the dominant presence of your children's lives, You must lead by example, always!

Remember, providing a safe place with your kids, in which no topic is too small for discussion is a great beginning. However, what happens in that space can mean the difference between real communication that builds solid, meaningful and mere words exchanged or withheld.
Something that parents forget is that communication happens constantly, but you as a SUPER SINGLE DAD must always know that it happens constanly! It happens with gestures, eye contact, touch, body language/posture, and facial expressions.
Communication, and the modeling of that, begins right at the beginning, while your child is in the womb. Not all single dads have had the opportunity to do that because of their situation. But whenever you become completely responsible you start the ACTION of communicating. This modeling of communication includes:
- singing
- playing and listening to music
- reading
- art
- talking
And if you were lucky to be around while your baby was in mamma's belly then rubbing, cooing and sitting quietly in meditation or prayer are all scientifically, and through my experiences and all my children, PROVEN to affect BOTH PERSONALITY AND I.Q.
In my e-book, THE SUPER SINGLE DAD; ARTFULLY RAISING CHILDREN I will cover these and many other inside secrets helping you become the Super Single Dad that your children will look up to and respect all the rest of your life, and theirs.
Please sign up to receive my newsletters and the announcement that I will send out in the next few days for my new product, THE SUPER SINGLE DAD; ARTFULLY RAISING CHILDREN.