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July 26, 2006

Man Would I Like to Be on the Big O's Show

Hey everyone and all single dads reading this post.

I commend all dads that didn't take "I'm leaving you" from your ex wife to be interpreted as "And I control how the kids are raised and you can only see them. . ." Well, you get my drift.

You fought for full time custody and you were awarded that privilege by the judge. Just because you're a male doesn't mean you can't be the nurturing parent. I tell you what, your kids sure know the difference and they don't care whether it's mommy or daddy, as long as they are being nurtured.

My daughter is a legal young adult now and my son will be next year, but I remember when they were very little how we would go to the park together.

Oh, let me preface this with saying that I gave up my "musical career" as a traveling musician and there were times that I had to go on welfare because where I lived at the time, jobs were scarce. I have to admit to you how much that ate at me and it finally caused a breakdown, but that's another story.

My point there is that you sacrifice to be with your kids and you do whatever it takes to nurture and be with them, especially if their mother abandoned them either by choice or by death. Anyway, I digress . . .

We would go to the park and I remember how much joy and pleasure I would experience watching them go up the ladder and slide down, and how proud they felt in doing so.

"Look at me Dada" and then the other would chime in, "Look at me too!" They felt so proud of themselves and radiated all that positive feelings, even when I wasn't feeling so positive with where my life was leading me at the time.

Their smiles, laughter and joy would promptly take me out of any funk I might have felt at the time, if indeed I was feeling down and funky. Of course that has a different connotation today.

We would stop at the market on the way back and pick up food for dinner but I always watched the Oprah Winfrey show. Truth be known I used to watch Oprah way back when she was basically doing a Donahue type show. Running up and down the aisles and all that.

So I would lay my kids down so they could take a nap and I would go and watch the Oprah Winfrey Show. I figured that maybe I could learn something about raising a child or child diseases or something related to children.

Well sometimes there might have been something about a medical condition children were experiencing, but never anything about how to raise a child today so they grow up with the three R's ingrained in their little souls, and they are


This is something I propose to do. I would love to be on the Oprah Winfrey Show as a guest and teach the principles on how to raise a child today; from a father's point of view. A father who raised his children by himself gathering and learning what it really takes to be a parent.

The fact is that we do everything different than women, but we have the same loving and nurturing components that women do and with some guidance, we become very skilled at it.

The bottom line is to make sure that the children are as fulfilled as they can possibly be in order for them to grow up as respectful, responsible and reliable grown-ups.

Why Oprah? Because she has an immense audience and the truth be known there are many males who secretly watch Oprah, like I do, or er, did . . .ahem . . .

Write to Oprah and let her know you want the "Super Single Dad" on there so she can grill him and ask him the pertinent questions on raising a child, and how he went about raising his children, artfully.
See you on the next post.

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